Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day 2 down, 10 Workouts to Go.

Yes I understand I am running a day behind with this blog, to be honest its tough not to. There may be days I am unable to blog as well, but to be honest, its helps me to stay honest with the healthy experience to write about it every day.

I made it through work out number two today. For me that’s pretty huge. I have tried several times to get going over the past year, but never got past day 1. I have only got through day 2 one other time and that’s when I did all 90.

One additional thing that has been helping with the motivation is a new Tony Horton Podcast, It just helps to
hear the additional motivation. I've also found his chats on utube which have been great as well. I think one of the most difficult things when trying to lose weight is the motivation on days when the pounds aren't flying off.

Another motivation I have set, it to get back under 300 by my Birthday. Which is November 19th. Ideally I would like to get there before November, but we will see if my body agrees.

How did the workout go you ask, Well it kicked my butt once again, that being said I still have the video memorized from 2 years ago. I will also openly admit my core was so sore by the end of the workout, I had to skip Ab Ripper. Although the idea of 100 crunches in a couple minutes was appealing I just wasn't up to it physically. Maybe I’ll get it on Thursday.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Best Laid Plans

Well first off I must say I am impressed as I have not entered a new blog here in almost 2 years but I still have 10 to 20 readers a week.  Beyond that however the news is not good.  If you read the previous blog post I was finishing weight loss before a Disney trip.  My goal was 280 when we took the trip, and although I didn't get there until after one day on the trip.  I made 180 pounds. 

Then I decided to reward myself with the Epcot food and wine festival.  I don’t drink, but I did eat my way around the world, 38 locations each with an ethnic food to that region.  Some stops I tried everything on the menu.  From there I enjoyed much of the great food Disney has to offer.  I never do anything half way.  Big breakfasts, big lunches’ and big dinner’s made up the rest week, and as much Dole Whip as I could hold. 

Upon returning home, I knew I should get back to it, but it seemed like a lot of work, and I was still under 300.  I figured I would maintain for a while.  That Spring I my daughter got me back into the theatre.  I hadn't been on stage in years, I was worried about my weight with the dancing and such, but I stepped on a scale was only at 310.  Sure it was over 300 but having lost 100 putting on 30 didn't seem so bad. 

By the start of the next school year (I teach school) I had to go back to my old blue suit coat at 320 the new one no longer fit.  When I tried out for a play that winter I managed to get the lead role, but at 330 couldn't get my health under control the entire time. 

I spent the winter planning on starting to work out tomorrow.  First it was after the show.  Then after basketball season, then after the next show.  Finally I found myself being fitted for costumes for Les Miserables.  Stepping on the scale my weight is back up to 345.  Only down 35 pounds from my original 100 pound weight loss. 

Well after a weeks of feeling sorry for myself, and a week of messing with diet, I pulled out the old Power 90 disc, and got started.  The next t weeks are uber busy, but I stand the best chance of keeping with it if I make it public. 

So my first goal is two weeks of Power 90.  Let’s see if I can go on this adventure again…