Tuesday, March 1, 2016

And That’s All I Need!

21 Day Fix - Day 2 

Well although I left yesterday looking bleak, it really was a good day, sometimes the key to any specialty program is to be a little bit flexible… So although I was not able to get through the workout, I’ll do 2 at another date.   Even without the workout I did drop a pound and a half dropping from about 320 – 318.5.  So I’ll take it. 

Today has been a different sort of day all together.  Because of an incoming ice storm, I stayed home and had to try to work out here, I usually try not to do this, as I am a big man, and I live in a small fragile house.  But today was all upper body so I didn’t break my floor bouncing around.  The upper
(No thats not me... We were getting an ice storm)

body was harder than I expected as I usually do ok with the weights.  This however not only had 2 full minutes of pushups, but it also had 4 full minutes of crunches.  I would be lying if I didn’t say this kicked my butt. 

I’ve also had a solid day on food, I traded my yellow container for 16 ounces of almond milk, so I
was able to go for a fruit smoothie for breakfast, and a protean shake after my workout.  It made part of the day much more bearable but I’m sad they don’t let you make this switch every day.  It seems like a little milk would be better for you then the waffle I used for that carb yesterday. 

All in all though, I am a little hungry most of the time, they do a pretty decent Job on the amount of food, I have not been able to get through all the protean and Veggies yet.  But I am finding myself seriously missing those things that I used to eat a lot, but I currently cannot have.  For example I am usually a big cereal guy.  I often eat 3-4 bowls of cereal now I have gone cold turkey, with no serial, I could manage a singe bowl of whole wheat cereal, but I would use up all my carbs for a day.   And that would not be fun. 

I also used to eat an unhealthy amount of donuts.  To put it in perspective I once lost over 15 pounds doing a 1 donut a day diet, people sometimes ask how many donuts did I eat a day, well as I may someday run for president, I would rather not say.  But after 2 days of clean eating, I really really miss Donuts.  Turns out a whole wheat waffle, with a teaspoon of almond butter is not a decent replacement. 

Tonight I started thinking about what I wanted to eat on day 22.  Sure I’m gonna get back to try to eat healthy again, but I really see day 22 as a giant cheat day to eat those things I’ve missed.  As the evening went on, I have started to feel like Navin R. Johnson talking about how “that’s all I need”…

On day 22 I’m gonna have 4 Donuts and that’s all I need…

On day 22 I’m gonna have 4 Donuts, and a box of Reece’s Puff Cereal and that’s all I need. 

On day 22 I’m gonna have 4 Donuts, and a box of Reece’s Puff Cereal, and a bacon wrapped pizza, and that’s all I need! 

On day 22 I’m gonna have 4 Donuts, and a box of Reece’s Puff Cereal, and a bacon wrapped pizza, and crepes with real maple syrup and that’s all I need!  That’s all I need, well until tomorrow. 

So that’s where I am right now.  Its 10:00 pm (Although you won’t read it until later) Its usually the time I start busting out the cereal, but all I have left tonight is fruit, veggies, and a couple teaspoons of peanut butter… I’ll let you know how it all works next time… And remember don’t bring me donuts… Nooooo Donuts, I definitely don’t want donuts right now…

Good night

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