Saturday, March 5, 2016

It’s My Fury Road

21 Day Fix – Day 5

(Today felt like this going fast and not being able to eat!)

Yep that’s right, day 5. I feel like it’s going at a fast pace now, pain, planning and repeat.   I truly can’t believe its day 5, the last of the week days.  And I’m feeling better about it each day, sure the workouts kicked my butt again, like who can possibly do burpee after burpee.  I, after taking almost 20 seconds on the first one,I went down for the second one, but my arms gave out, and I laid there for the rest of the drill trying not to throw up.  But by the next exercise I got up and I kept on going.  Tonight, I finished Cardio Fix.  1 down with that workout and 2 to go. 

I would like to take a moment to comment on this workout however.  Beachbody always claims you can do all their workouts in the comfort of your own home.  And for many people, I’m sure that’s true.  A little 110 pound woman or a 170 pound guy could jump all over their house on their light feet and be fine.  And on the flip side a big 350 – 400 pound guy who had to modify everything to the extreme could do it at home.  But what about the in-between.  As I’ve said before I am a big guy, 6’4 and as of today I tip the scales at 310 pounds.  Luckily with two bad knees I need to modify, but if that wasn’t the case I would bring the house down on top of my bouncing around.  I could still do the lifting and the yoga but cardio would have to stop. 

(A Picture of me doing Cardio inside!

Tony Horton if your listening is it possible to do a Cardio that won’t break the house, and will bring me down under 200 pounds?  I’d be happy to beta test it with you (OK, I doubt Tony Horton reads this blog but let me try the hashtag thing again #TonyHorton #Beachbody (There now I’m sure he will be reading this with his breakfast Shakeology)

Anyway back to the day (I guess I haven’t talked about that yet.) I woke up early (Well early for me, and my wife actually woke me up after her workout, but it sounds better the other way.) And I made breakfast for my wife and kids.  Breakfast sandwiches with turkey bacon, egg, and tomato on a whole wheat English muffin.  (It sounds boring, but my eggs are legendary.)  I didn’t want to go for the English muffin -  it just sounded too early for the loss of two carbs.  So I had 3 scrambled eggs and 4 slices of Turkey Bacon.  It was a solid breakfast for only 2.5 protein.

My wife packed an amazing lunch and snacks for work.  Me, I forgot.  I was going to try to wait until dinner, but after shoveling snow, I was tired and hungry so it was off to get another salad, I got the same thing as I got yesterday judging container size as best I could, and I think I did OK.  Worked the rest of the afternoon, and came home and made Honey Garlic Pork Chops. 
They were amazing.  Probably the second best thing I have had on this diet.  (Although it has only lasted 5 days.)  If I ever figure out this link thing out I’ll let you click to the recipes, but don’t get your hopes up). 

Well from there I hit the workout, which I already talked about.  I had a protein shake, and I wrote this blog, watched Fury Road, and here we are.  I think I’m going to have a waffle with almond butter and go to bed.  

It looks like another busy day tomorrow.  

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