Friday, March 4, 2016

Today is a Better Day

21 Day fix – Day 4

Well yesterday I was pretty sure I wouldn’t make it to day 21, but today I feel much better about the whole thing.  Yes, I was right I did not sleep well last night.  My body felt sore and broken and it wasn’t until about 5:00 AM that I finally fell asleep. This caused me to turn off my alarm at 7:30 AM.   Thankfully, my wife woke me up at 8:00.  I hurried around and grabbed a smoothie knowing I would be at work all day.  Well, I made it to work 20 minutes late, which is always tough when you are the one leading the Bible study, luckily we have recently studied forgiveness and all was OK. 

Not you may be thinking Tim, this does not sound like a good day at all, “why are you feeling better?  Well not to worry, I’ll tell you.  To start off, after waking up late, I stepped on the bathroom scale to a weight of 312.  That’s 8 pounds from when I stood on the scale Monday Morning to when I stood on the scale Thursday morning.  I’m not sure anyone’s done better on the Biggest Loser… Which makes me think I should have went on there because I could use a whole bunch of money.  I actually went on to another Biggest Loser moment after getting to work, I walked through the kitchen on the way back to where we meet, and there on the counter 1 dozen assorted donuts and 1 dozen glazed donuts.  It was a huge temptation challenge.  I stood there and looked them over, I could have eaten not one, but several donuts and no one would have noticed… But I didn’t and walked into the other room.  I won the challenge!  (It’s good to know I’ll be safe from elimination on Friday!)

The day continued on the good streak, I had forgotten my lunch but I was able to estimate the size of the containers and get a salad from a local salad bar.  Which by the way shares a space with a Blimpies.  Dominos and a Cajun Fried Chicken place… yet I walked out with just a veggie and protein heavy salad.  I stopped at a gas station for a pop (yes, I still haven’t been able to kick the diet Mt. Dew… that is another challenge.)    Anyway the gas station also has hot dogs, nachos, and yes the best donuts in town (that’s a shout out to you Tom’s Donuts #TomsDonuts (I really don’t understand this Hashtag thing)
(This isnt my Tom's Donuts but its a Tom's Donuts

Well I eventually went home and cooked dinner, which I can’t believe I haven’t done yet as my wife
has been doing all the cooking since we started.  I made a pretty great Honey Mustard Salmon, and yes the picture is the actual salmon I made…

And finally at 9:00 I finally got in front of the TV to press play and make my way through Pilates Fix.  Now I had never done Pilates, to be honest it always sounded a little effeminate, and I kind of pride myself on being a manly man.  But let’s be honest, a woman named Autumn kicked my butt all week and she will probably continue to do so.  So Pilates it is.  It was good to know as well that both my wife and brother-in-law who are doing this with me said it was way easier than yesterday.  I stepped in encouraged, but before I go on remember I am 6’4, 312 pounds and I may be the least flexible person on the planet.  I have never been able to go lower then my knees on a toe touch.  My back doesn’t bend like that.  And I quickly realized several of the exercises I had to modify the modified just to get into the starting position.  So it was hard, really hard, but as I am sitting here still sore, I’m thinking I still did do some good. 

And that was my day, maybe I can do the next 17 days without a donut. 

(I Feel like this could be the new face of Tim Loses It!)

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