Thursday, March 3, 2016

My Legs Hurt

21 Day Fix – Day 3

Well I’m feeling positive as I have completed 3 days out of 21, that means I am 1/7 of the way there. 
For a guy who hasn’t made it past day 2 of anything since 10 minute trainer almost 2 years ago, this is a pretty big deal.  Also, I continue to be pretty full.  Today I had a giant smoothie for breakfast, a dinner with this balsamic peach chicken, pasta, and broccoli and I even had a late night snack of a couple of beef taco’s from last night.  I know I missed lunch in there, but we had a weird snow day and the whole family slept in.  Plus, more good news, no one brought me any donuts and I have lost 7 pounds since Sunday Night, and 5 pounds since Monday morning which is my technical start date.  I know I can’t keep up this pace but it gives me a quick push towards dropping under 300 which is my goal for these 21 days…

I am, however, also feeling very negative tonight as my body is spent.  The 7 videos for 21 Day Fix are more difficult than P-90 or Ten Minute Trainer, and I didn’t realize just how exhausted I was until I went to stretch out for the Legs workout and my arms were really stiff. The more I warmed up, the worse it got until my arms were on fire and I still had 28 minutes of legs to go. 

And let me tell you about legs, this was the single most difficult workout I have ever done.  And that includes 8th grade basketball tryouts where we had to run around the gym again and again and again, until enough kids left the team… I guess the coach didn’t like cuts.  But back to this workout, I wanted to remember the names of these exercises but they slipped my mind as each one was more evil then the one before.  Squats and lunges for the first 20 minutes and then you had to get on the ground for the really hard stuff.  I gave up on weights pretty quickly.  At 315, I figured I was already lifting way more weight than any on them on my squats and lunges.  And when I hit the last exercise I was using muscles I never knew I had… they’re still on fire over three hours later…
(No this was not my 8th grade Basketball Team)
All that said, what has me really feeling defeated is I don’t know how my sore arms and achy legs will get better, everything else I’ve done has always had a rest day. I always remember being so sore until that rest day but feeling so strong afterwards.  Here, I don’t know how my wrecked body ever recovers.  Will every day just be worse than the ones before?  Am I destined to 17 days of misery?  I hope not, but as I struggle to sleep tonight these are the thoughts going through my mind. 

I hate to leave things so negative, so I will close on a positive.  First I will finish, and second, I had the chance to eat a donut today and I didn’t.  I had stopped at Wal-Mart to pick up Fennel, Celery, Humus and other healthy things when I found myself standing in front of the donut case. It helped that Wal-Mart donuts are gross, but they still looked good. Then I turned around and found myself staring straight at a piece of red velvet cake.  Not only red velvet cake, but clearance red velvet cake.  .59 cents a piece.  I love a good deal almost as much as I love red velvet cake, but I fought through the temptation, bought my celery and headed home. 

Although telling that whole story, I really want a donut!  I’m going to bed, so when you read this it may be tomorrow.

This is a donut form QD in Lansing... They have great Donuts

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