Saturday, July 7, 2012

Power 90 Day 30 - 2 – Weight Loss Made Simple

30 days, who would have thunk?  I have never kept this long with a workout program.  Although I have been tempted to quit once or twice, I haven’t and am now into my second month with only 60 days left for my first pass through Power 90.  Today’s workout continued to build upon the previous although I had to move to a new local for the foreseeable future.  With a week in the 100’s - my second floor gym area in a steel un-air-conditioned gym was killer and I just couldn’t do it anymore.  So I moved to my in-law’s basement which is cold and like the gym, I don’t feel like I am going through the floor when I jump around.  I also lost .2 pounds today which is sad just how happy that makes me.

A few weeks back I said I wanted to read and tell you about many of the “Weight Loss” Books that are out there.  I started with Weight Loss Made Simple A Powerful Formula For Losing Weight and Keeping It Off. By Roderick Armstrong. With a name like this, I was looking for some earth shattering news on weight loss.  Let’s face it: don’t we all want to lose weight simply?  Unfortunately there is no secret on its pages.  The first half of the book basically looks at finding your core reasons to lose weight.  If you want it bad enough, and it’s important enough to you, you will lose it, period. 

The second half of the book gives a practical formula for losing weight:

1.      Weigh yourself

2.      Determine ideal weight

3.      Determine how much weight you should lose

4.      Take measurements

5.      You must be 3500 short each week to lose one pound

6.      Eat 250 calories less each day

7.      Exercise to burn 250 calories each day

Keep it up and you can lose 50 pounds a year.  Throughout the author gives helpful websites, and practical advice to accomplish these goals.

All in all, this book wasn’t a bad read.  It put a lot on importance in the power of thought, but gave a lot of practical knowledge as well.  The best part about it is it can help you focus on the weight loss.  I like to read weight loss books for the same reason I watch weight loss infomercials and The Biggest Loser - to help me keep my focus.  This book at the time of my purchase was also free, which is always important for me when picking books. 

Here is a look at my food journal for the day:

Post Workout:  Protein Drink (1 scoop protein powder, 8 oz skim milk) (220 Calories)

                        Breakfast: Kashi cereal, milk, (275 Calories)

Lunch:  Egg Salad Wrap (3 eggs, light mayo, Whole Wheat Tortilla) (470 Calories)

                        Afternoon Snack:  String Cheese (60 Calories)

                        Dinner: 8 oz New York Strip, Grilled Onions and Bell Peppers (618 Calories)

Tomorrow is the 4th of July.  Still not sure what the day holds, but I imagine it won’t be the easiest day of the year to stay on target.  However you will have to wait to hear about it.  Until Then…

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