Monday, July 16, 2012

Power 90 Day 40 - 12 – A Missed Workout

Today was a busy day, as I prepared for my upcoming ordination.  I spent hours trying to brush up on all those things I knew, but have left the forefront of my mind.  I spent several hours poring through my Word Studies.  I spent another couple hours reviewing questions others have been asked in ordination councils.  Finally, I closed the evening with almost three hours of Drive By Theology as a quick way to study a lot of theology in a short time. 

By the time I returned home Friday night it was minutes away from midnight and with having to get up early Saturday morning, my workout was missed.  It kills me a little inside, because I find myself making excuses to myself.  “It doesn’t matter if you miss a workout, you’re not losing any weight anyway.”   It’s tough not to fall into that mindset, but I can still see body results so I am trying to hang my hat there.

Besides the missed workout, my food choices were not the best.  I still ate basically good food within my calorie count; I just didn’t end up eating enough times.  Here’s a look at my rather short food journal for Friday.  And yes the Roast Beef Sub from DJ’s was awesome!

Breakfast: Met-Rx Protein Plus Bar (Chocolate Chip Graham Cracker) (370 Calories)

Lunch:  2 slices Whole Wheat Rye Bread, 3 oz. Deli Ham, 1 fried medium egg (325 Calories)

Afternoon Snack:  Frosted Mini Wheat’s, Skim Milk (280 Calories)

Dinner: 12 inch Roast Beef Sub  (746 Calories)

Tomorrow morning I will be meeting with the ordination council in the morning but will try to get back to the workout, that being said I’m done for today… Till Then…

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